If you’ve got a case of the Mondays, (or even the Tuesdays for that matter), and nothing seems to be going your way… there’s only one thing you can do to turn that frown upside down. LOOK AT THESE BABY BUNNIES. Eight out of ten doctors recommend looking at two doses of baby bunny floofs per day for optimal health, and we agree. (Who are those other two doctors, anyway…? They sound grumpy and not very fun.)
So, gentle reader, please take a gander at this gaggle of puffy and fluffy baby bunny rabbits, and you’ll start to feel better in no time.

Recipe for success: 1 cup bunny.

We take bunny nap because we bunny so hard today.

I am not bunny, I am powder poof.

I eat snack.

It’s just me, Bunny, acting very bunny.

A bunny in the hand is worth two in the blueberry bush. –An Ancient Proverb

I also eat snack.

Day one: look cute. Day two: TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

“Hello, I love you, won’t you tell me your name?”
“Yes, it’s Bunny.”

Go west, young rabbit!

Mom’s coming… look busy!

How do I maintain my fluffy and round physique? Why, the flower petal diet, of course.

A bunny in the hand is worth two in the raspberry bush. –Another Ancient Proverb

I feel the need, the need for speed!!!

I don’t wanna bathtime today.

Ears and puffs and everything fluff, that’s what little buns are made of.
Do you need a li’l plush bunny to call your own? Better yet, TWO plush bunnies? We’ve got Bunny Slippers for paws tiny and big and everywhere in-between! Eight out of ten doctors recommend wearing Bunny Slippers every day for optimal health. (Who are those other two doctors anyway…? They sound boring and probably have cold toes.)
If you liked these tiny bunnies…. check out the biggest bunnies ever!